Things to Do in Shibuya – On Budget to Splurge-Worthy Ones!

things to do in shibuya

Shibuya, often called Tokyo’s beating heart, is a neighborhood that’s just brimming with excitement. It’s where new and old mix together everywhere you look. Whether you’re all about saving your yen or you’re up for a bit of fancy fun, Shibuya’s got you covered. In this guide, we’ll explore “Things to Do in Shibuya,” from…

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Part Time Jobs Near Me – Explore the Options in Shibuya!

part time jobs near me

Shibuya, a vibrant district in Tokyo, Japan, is a bustling hub of culture, entertainment, and commerce. Known for its iconic Shibuya Crossing and the Hachiko statue, it’s a place that has something for everyone. Whether you’re seeking opportunities to make money, unique experiences, or activities that’ll get you moving and sweating, there are many things…

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Best Places to Eat in Shibuya!

Shibuya crossing

You find yourself in the vibrant heart of Tokyo, Shibuya, and your stomach is growling. With so many restaurants to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not, we’re here to help you discover budget-friendly bites! We’ve reached out to some of our Shibuya School teachers and asked them about their favorite go-to…

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Getting a Japanese Phone Number The Easy Way

japanese phone number

When you find yourself in Japan, having a local phone number is more than just a convenience; it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a resident, a tourist, or an expatriate, having a Japanese phone number ensures you can stay connected, access essential services, and navigate the country with ease. Almost everything in Japan requires a phone…

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Beach in Tokyo To Go During Summer

beach in tokyo

When one thinks of Tokyo, images of towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and vibrant city life often come to mind. However, Tokyo offers more than just urban delights. Nestled along its coastline are a variety of beautiful beaches that provide an escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. From the energetic and crowded shores to the…

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