Ways To Get Extra Income – Part-Time Jobs in Ginza!

part time jobs near me

Ginza, Tokyo’s upscale shopping and entertainment district, is not only a haven for luxury brands and gourmet dining but also a thriving hub for part-time job opportunities. For those seeking part-time employment while navigating the bustling streets of Japan’s capital, Ginza provides a unique blend of cultural richness and professional growth. In this article, we’ll…

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A Guide to Japan’s National Health Insurance

national health insurance

Hey there, health-conscious friends in Japan! Japan is known not only for its rich culture but also for its impressive healthcare system. Japan’s healthcare system is renowned for its accessibility and quality of care. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to understanding Japan’s NHI, covering eligibility, benefits, and the role of local governments…

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What is the My Number Card and How to Get One

My Number Card

If you’re living or working in Japan, you probably heard about the Individual Number. It’s one of the most important documents in Japan, comparable to a social security number, that you’ll need while living and working in Japan. For this reasion, in this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the My Number Card (Individual…

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Part Time Jobs Near Me – Explore the Options in Shibuya!

part time jobs near me

Shibuya, a vibrant district in Tokyo, Japan, is a bustling hub of culture, entertainment, and commerce. Known for its iconic Shibuya Crossing and the Hachiko statue, it’s a place that has something for everyone. Whether you’re seeking opportunities to make money, unique experiences, or activities that’ll get you moving and sweating, there are many things…

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