English Speaking Doctor Tokyo

english speaking doctor tokyo

Tokyo is a fast city with people's challenges, and it contains a lot of population diversification with dozens of expatriates and international visitors. It is quite a challenging task to understand the health care system of a foreign country, which gets even more complicated when language skills do not allow free communication.

For English speakers in Tokyo, it is very important to find a good doctor with whom one can communicate effectively. This guide will help you understand the choices you have and how you can access good-quality medical care in Tokyo.

english speaking doctor japan

How to Find an English-Speaking Doctor in Tokyo

Navigating healthcare in a foreign country can be challenging, especially when there's a language barrier. If you're in Tokyo and need to find an English-speaking doctor, here are some reliable methods to help you locate the medical assistance you need.

1. Embassies and Consulates

One of the first places to check is your home country’s embassy or consulate in Tokyo. These diplomatic offices often provide lists of recommended English-speaking doctors and clinics. Their primary concern is the welfare of their citizens abroad, so their recommendations are typically trustworthy and reliable.

2. Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government offers a website called "Himawari" (Tokyo Medical Institution Information), where you can search for hospitals and clinics with English-speaking staff. This resource is invaluable for finding medical facilities that cater to English-speaking patients.

  • Website: Himawari
  • Phone: 03-5285-8181
  • Phone: 03-5272-0303 (Japanese, 24 hours)

3. Online Directories

Several online directories list English-speaking medical facilities in Japan. Websites like Japan Healthcare Info (JHI) provide comprehensive lists and detailed information about medical services available in English.

4. Expat Communities

Joining online forums and social media groups for expatriates in Tokyo can be incredibly helpful. These communities often share recommendations and personal experiences about local healthcare providers, giving you insights that might not be available through official channels. Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and local expat forums are great places to start.

5. Hotel Concierge Services

If you are staying in a hotel, don't hesitate to ask the concierge for assistance. They are usually well-informed about local services and can recommend English-speaking doctors or clinics nearby. This can be a convenient option, especially if you need urgent medical attention.

Kinds of medical services in Japan

General practitioners

General practitioners are the first contact for more than 90% of patients. Their list of offerings is long and covers primary care, vaccination, and routine preventative screening, together with treatment for common illnesses. Today, very many GPs in Tokyo have English fluency and are able to offer full-fledged treatment.


Experts For specialized care in deeper health problems, one has to search for a series of specialists. In numerous ways, Tokyo is full of specialists in the field of cardiology, dermatology, orthopedics, and many more. It can be critical to find a specialist who speaks English in terms of finding the right kind of care for complicated health matters.

Emergency Services

Emergency Services Clear communication is fast when there is an emergency. In Tokyo, some of the hospitals have emergency services with English-speaking attendants. For this, knowing where this is located and how to get there could make the difference between life and death.

english hospital in Japan

English Speaking Doctor Tokyo

Tokyo Medical and Surgical Clinic

The University of Tokyo Hospital

St. Luke's International Hospital

Sanno Hospital

National Medical Clinic

Numata Medical Clinic

NTT Medical Centre Tokyo

Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital

Shinjuku Green Tower Internal Medicine Clinic

Tokyo Midtown Clinic

American Clinic Tokyo

International Health Care Clinic

Yaesugai Medical Clinic

Tokyo Takanawa Hospital

Vocabulary in a Japanese Clinic/Hospital

Common Medical Terms

  • 医者 (いしゃ, isha) - Doctor
  • 看護師 (かんごし, kangoshi) - Nurse
  • 病院 (びょういん, byōin) - Hospital
  • 診療所 (しんりょうじょ, shinryōjo) - Clinic
  • 薬 (くすり, kusuri) - Medicine
  • 健康 (けんこう, kenkō) - Health

General Healthcare Terms

  • 予約 (よやく, yoyaku) - Appointment
  • 診察 (しんさつ, shinsatsu) - Examination
  • 保険 (ほけん, hoken) - Insurance
  • 受付 (うけつけ, uketsuke) - Reception
  • 診断 (しんだん, shindan) - Diagnosis

Common Symptoms and Conditions

  • 発熱 (はつねつ, hatsunetsu) - Fever
  • 咳 (せき, seki) - Cough
  • 頭痛 (ずつう, zutsū) - Headache
  • 腹痛 (ふくつう, fukutsū) - Stomachache
  • アレルギー (arerugī) - Allergy

Departments and Specialties

  • 内科 (ないか, naika) - Internal Medicine
  • 外科 (げか, geka) - Surgery
  • 小児科 (しょうにか, shōnika) - Pediatrics
  • 皮膚科 (ひふか, hifuka) - Dermatology
  • 精神科 (せいしんか, seishinka) - Psychiatry

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication

  • 処方薬 (しょほうやく, shohōyaku) - Prescription Medicine
  • 市販薬 (しはんやく, shihanyaku) - Over-the-Counter Medicine
  • 処方箋 (しょほうせん, shohōsen) - Prescription

Common Medication Types

  • 鎮痛剤 (ちんつうざい, chintsūzai) - Painkiller
  • 抗生物質 (こうせいぶっしつ, kōseibusshitsu) - Antibiotic
  • 抗アレルギー薬 (こうあれるぎーやく, kō arerugī yaku) - Antihistamine

Health Insurance Terminology

  • 健康保険 (けんこうほけん, kenkō hoken) - Health Insurance
  • 保険証 (ほけんしょう, hokenshō) - Insurance Card
  • 自己負担額 (じこふたんがく, jiko futangaku) - Copayment

Emergency Services Vocabulary

  • 救急車 (きゅうきゅうしゃ, kyūkyūsha) - Ambulance
  • 緊急事態 (きんきゅうじたい, kinkyū jitai) - Emergency
  • 応急処置 (おうきゅうしょち, ōkyū shochi) - First Aid

Describing Symptoms and Conditions

  • 頭が痛いです (あたまがいたいです, atama ga itai desu) - I have a headache.
  • 咳が出ます (せきがでます, seki ga demasu) - I have a cough.
  • 熱があります (ねつがあります, netsu ga arimasu) - I have a fever.
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