10 Benefits of Teaching English with One Coin English

Here are my personal thoughts after working 21 months at One Coin English. I hope it will serve as a reference to make the most out of your time working at this great company that I call my home.
There is something about Tokyo that attracts people from many backgrounds and nationalities. In the eve of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the Japanese capital is oozing with a vibe of change and prosperity that has made thousands of people like myself come and explore the cultural powerhouse that is Tokyo.
If you came here on a working holiday, studying Japanese or are planning on moving to Tokyo, you have come to the right place. I came to Tokyo 2 years ago and decided to work as an English teacher in One Coin English.
This has been one of the best decision I have ever made in my life. Not only have I learned a third language and exposed myself to a completely different culture. I have made great connections, became a community leader in my school and grew as a person.
All of this was possible because I decided to teach English part-time at OCE while studying Japanese in Tokyo. If you are one of the people I described above, I highly recommend working in One Coin English since it will not only change your life for the better but also the life of those around you. Without further ado, here is our One Coin English Blog: 10 Benefits of Teaching English with Us
10. Direct Exposure
In my 2 years in Japan, I have met many great people. Travelers, students, people on a working holiday, etc. Once we are done introducing each other, one of the first questions we always ask is “Why did you come to Japan?” or “What brought you to Japan?”. The most common response is “I want to experience the culture and its people first hand”.
Tokyo is a busy city and people are always running one place to another all day; it is difficult to talk to people and make friends. I used to go to a 英会話 Cafe (English conversation cafe) and try to make friends. It was great but nothing help me have a more direct exposure than to work side by side with Japanese people, teaching them, learning about the culture here at One Coin English. There is no better way to experience a country that to live and work among its people.
See Also:
The best immersion techniques to learn a language
9. One Coin English helps you study Japanese
Here at One Coin English, we understand that writing, reading and communicating in Japanese is a must have when you live in Japan. We are also aware that it is not easy to balance work and language goals. For that reason, we have Japanese textbooks in each school. They range from N5 (Beginner) to N1 (Native). Your success in Japan is very important for us.
See Also:
Studying Japanese in Japan: What You Can Get Out of It
8. Being a part of the One Coin English Strong Community
It gets lonely sometimes when you live thousands of miles away from the people you care about. My family and friends live in Los Angeles, there is a 17 hour time difference and I can only meet them once a year.
Many foreigners in Japan get this feeling from time to time. That is why a strong and healthy social life is important. One Coin English holds monthly events that connect Japanese people and foreign people alike. Every month I go to their events. Fun events such as the Halloween Party, Game Night and Ohanami. If you are also into cultural events, Kimono Parties, Tea Ceremonies, and Origami are also available.

Here in One Coin English, having a strong and thriving community is one of our top priorities. A place where people from many backgrounds and nationalities can come together as one. We are very proud of our community and its amazing members
See Also:
OCE's Strong Community
7. Making a difference in people’s lives
In my almost 2 years teaching English in One Coin English, I have had the opportunity to influence thousands of people. Most of my students are adults and are usually in the 18-60 demographic. I love my job, The best part has to be when one of your students becomes a better person or solves an issue in their professional or personal life because of your support.
I have had many people achieve their dreams of moving abroad, studying abroad, finding love, getting married, starting their own company, overcoming a divorce and the list goes on. The last one hit me the hardest. One of the students in my group lesson was recovering from a recent divorce. For that reason, she fell into a depression and that affected her relationship with her daughter.
After her divorce, she decided to learn English and her life changed. She started smiling and laughing during every lesson. In addition, she made new friends and got the energy to face her personal problems.
As a result, she could fix her relationship with her daughter, end her marriage in amicable terms and get to a better place mentally. After she told me all of this after our lesson, I understood that the job of a teacher is not only to teach grammar and vocabulary but to also encourage students to become better people.
See Also:
OCE Testimonials: Adam’s Story
6. Being a Cultural Ambassador
Even though my family lives in LA, I was born in the Caribbean country of Venezuela. 99% of the people I meet in Japan have never met a single person from Venezuela. This made me realize that being a foreigner in Japan allows me to be a cultural ambassador. During lessons, you can teach students about your culture, people and traditions of your country. Sometimes teachers make activities and games about their countries or share delicious traditional snacks from their home countries. If you love your country as much as I love mine, it is a great way to create positive awareness about your nation.

One of my favorite parts of being a cultural ambassador in One Coin English is showing my students a new world of possibilities. A person who was knowledge of many cultures has a wider view of the world
See Also:
What it means to be a Cultural Ambassador
5. Visa Sponsorship
Wanting to stay in Japan is in the wish list of many people visiting or studying here. Last year, I was studying Japanese full time with a student visa which really limited my stay in Japan. The school kept reminding us that we were students and that we had to follow a certain path to stay in Japan. Go to Japanese school, go to university, do job hunting and finally get the freedom that a working visa provides. This process lasts around 5 years.
In the words of one of my favorite YouTube videos: “Ain’t nobody got time for that”. For that reason One Coin English kindly sponsored my visa and now I can stay in Japan without any pressure. I’ve met many people that are in the same place I was. I have also met people that come with working holiday visas and get sponsored by OCE as well. It is a great way to stay in this beautiful country.
See Also:
GaijinPot's Journey to Japan 12: Switching to a Work Visa
4. Travel Opportunities
Many of my coworkers who are on a working holiday visa often travel while teaching English. Thanks to One Coin's flexible schedule, it is easy to visit Japan’s many beautiful landmarks. While other jobs might hold you down to a fixed schedule, OCE helps you achieve your professional goals while also giving you the freedom to travel.

Last May, I traveled to South Korea to visit my college friends for about 1 week. I was the best trip I have ever had. This was possible thanks to OCE's flexible schedule. They really understand life-work balance!
See Also:
Top 10 Travel Japan Destinations for 2018
3. Teach in fun and popular locations
If you pay enough attention, you’ll find out that One Coin English has many schools in Tokyo and Yokohama. Want to teach in a popular and crowded area like Shibuya or Shinjuku? You got it. Want to teach in a trendy and hip place like Kichijoji and Ikebukuro? You got it. Last but not least, want to teach in business areas such as Gotanda or Iidabashi? You got it. The possibilities and endless.

Our schools here in One Coin English are top notch, modern and extremely comfortable. Having a great atmosphere is necessary to have happy students and also happy teachers.
See Also:
10 Coolest Places to Visit in Tokyo for 2018
2. One Coin English has your back
One Coin English is known for treating and taking care of their employees as a family. For this reason, we want to keep our staff by helping them not only create a great environment but also by giving financial help. OCE gives you an allowance for the gym, also pay your commuting fee and help you pay your taxes, insurance, and even your retirement pension.
See Also:
OCE's Generous Support for Teachers
1. Grow as a person
2 years ago my personal growth journey took a big leap when I started working in One Coin. Not only I have grown as a professional and as a leader but also as a man. Management really cares about our employees and go above and beyond to help them. I cannot tell you the number of times where my manager helped me solve a personal or family problem with great love and patience.

My personal growth journey has been greatly impacted by my kind managers and coworkers at One Coin English. I am a completely different person than who I was in early 2017 when I started working in One Coin. It is something that I will be grateful for life.
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Linkedin's 5 Benefits of personal growth and development that will change your life
Learn about the benefits of working at OCE
About the Author

English Teaching Part-Time Job
We provide training, observations, and feedback for new teachers. We will help you to become an effective teacher!